The Music Service has had the privilege of working with many accomplished young musicians from Luton over the years. We asked some of them to share with you their experience learning and playing music and how it has helped them in their careers.
Katherine Wells-Bond – Photographer

What did you study with Luton Music Service?
Saxophone, Clarinet and Flute
What were your highlights?
My highlights were the music tours to Scotland and Belgium. They were wonderful experiences where we got to travel and play concerts at incredible venues such as Ypres Memorial and Edinburgh Castle, something we would never have been able to do without Luton Music Service.
Where has music taken you?
After studying music A-level at Luton Sixth Form College, I went on to study a BA Hons at the University of Southampton.
What advice would you give our students?
Playing instruments and being involved in musical groups is one of the most rewarding things you can do. I’ve met some of my closest friends through playing in music groups and had some incredible experiences all through music. Take any opportunities that come your way and enjoy yourself!